
The conference schedule is hosted in SCHED, an app that can be used on the desktop OR via mobile app and allows you to search within the schedule and filter the schedule to show items only occurring within a certain track. The default view for the schedule is "Simple" which only shows the start time and title of the agenda item. Hover over the button that says "Schedule" to see the different view options, including "Grid". Clicking on the title of an agenda item will reveal more detailed information. To view all presentations within a track, navigate to the Filter by Type heading on the navigation menu, then select the track that you're interested in.

In order to build your personal agenda for the conference you must be registered to attend the conference. If you have not yet registered to attend, sign up on the Spring NEARC Conference website. After registering for the conference (not immediately, it may take a few days), you'll receive an email invitation to log in to SCHED and create an account using the email address you provided at registration. To add an item to your agenda, simply click on the open circle next to a presentation title (in the desktop detail view) or click on the large blue "Add to Sched" button when you are in the detail view on the mobile app. Watch the attendee "how-to" video linked from the invitation to learn more. 

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